Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Blogs Rule - I Was Contacted By TDW Closeouts!
On Thursday, March 2nd, 2006, my telephone rang. I answered, and a voice on the other end asked to whom they were speaking. I told the caller my name. The man introduced himself as Raphael Shabtai (I hope I have spelled his name correctly). He indicated he was the owner of TDW Closeouts. He asked if I had received a letter from his attorney. I had not. I took it that this was a gambit to intimidate me, and make me fear him. First off, attorneys send certified letters and you have to sign for them. Secondly, my address has not changed since I did business with The Discount Warehouse, so there was no problem sending me a letter, certified or otherwise.
Since I have nothing to fear for voicing my opinion under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, I will keep on doing so.
Next, the things Mr. Shabtai said, in my opinion, indicated to me that this blog has indeed caused a slow-down in his business.
He wanted to know what it would take to remove this blog from the Internet. I told him that I wanted a refund. He wanted me to take down my blog in exchange for a refund. Like most people, I could use the money more than having this blog up. In good faith, I removed the posts from this blog, and left the blog shell in place, in case I had to put the posts back in, and to keep my place on all the search engines.
He asked that I inventory the items I had in my possession. Now, I have been able to sell only a small part of the inventory on eBay, and have otherwise given away or sold (at a small fraction of the average purchase price) some pieces to relatives. So I didn't know really how much was left. So an inventory was a good idea for me, anyway. The items were all taking up room in my household closets, and counting them out allowed me to store them all elsewhere, and bag and box the items. It turns out that I still have 245 of the 300 items, and 122 items are towels and washcloths. I emailed an Excel spreadsheet to Mr. Shabtai through Martine, my former sales person, so he could make an offer for a refund. I then called Martine on the phone. She said that Raphael wanted me to find out what it cost to ship the merchandise back to him by UPS. I checked with both UPS and FedEx. FedEx was less to send back the merchandise, so I sent another email to Martine with the amount that it would cost to send the items back to Florida. Because I only have a car that would accommodate about two boxes at a time, and there would be something like 15 large boxes, I felt renting a truck was not a luxury to take all the packages to FedEx at one time. That, along with the fact that some of the items were now in large trash bags, would require me to purchase some boxes to ship the items in, brought me to a total or $760.00 for shipping. Now this is where it gets strange.
Martine calls me back and says to ship all the merchandise back to TDW Closeouts so I can get my refund. I haven't discussed one word with Raphael on how much of a refund I will get, nor that he will even pick up the bill on the shipping. He actually expects me to pay the shipping up front, and ship my property to him without him actually paying for it! When I bought the merchandise from The Discount Warehouse, I had to pay for everything up front, including the shipping. And I had to pay for it by wiring the money, which also cost me.
At this point I have decided to require $2,400.00 as a refund. It all cost me around $2,381.00 to buy the merchandise, but I have stored it, counted it, and wasted many days of my life to deal with it. And remember, I didn't buy it to break even on it, I bought it to make a profit. If he wants it shipped after he buys it, he can either get a FedEx account and I will ship it on his number, or he can remit an extra $760.00 to cover shipping. I really don't think he will do either. It was just a game to play with me, to see if I can reinstate this blog after I removed the wording for him to show good faith. Please see the last email from Martine, along with my reply:
Hi Martine -
Please inform Raphael that there is no way I am spending $760.00 out of my own pocket to ship back the merchandise with the hope that Raphael will reimburse me. Furthermore, there has been no agreement between Raphael and myself (either oral or written) as to the amount he will refund for the merchandise and original shipping. When I purchased the merchandise from TDW, I had to wire the funds, in full, with shipping included before TDW would ship me the merchandise. That was just good business sense. I also have good business sense. TDW will have to remit the amount of $3,160.00 to me before I can send the merchandise back, or remit $2,400.00, and allow me to dispose of the merchandise, as I see fit. I will also need a signed, written agreement covering all aspects of the refund. I have no reason to trust TDW on this. As soon as I get time (probably tomorrow), I am going to reinstate my blog, as I removed the wording from the blog in good faith, and it has been off since March 3, 2006. I have taken two days out of my life, and inventoried the items, and gotten a shipping quote as per Raphael's request. At this point, I have nothing to lose by exercising my right to free speech as guaranteed to me by the Constitution of the United States under the First Amendment. I will be reinstating my blog ASAP, until such time as the funds are wired to my bank account, and I am made whole again. I will include the conversations I have had with TDW in the reinstatement of the blog, and a copy of this email. As a public service, I will also include instructions for my readers to start their own blogs if they have a complaint with any company, and how to get them listed on the search engines as soon as possible. I feel it is my civic duty. Please relay this message to Raphael. If he wishes to contact me, I can be contacted at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Thank you.
At 01:49 PM 3/27/2006, you wrote:
Good afternoon Gary,This is to let you know that we are still waiting to receive themerchandise to shipped back to us before we can issue the refund weagreed on during our recent conversation. As soon as we receive themerchandise we will issue the funds but you have not make any effort tosend them, please we are trying to help you with the merchandise youhave purchased from us, that is something we usually don't do but wewant to keep you as a satisfied customer so we are making an exceptionso please let's work together so that we can resolve this matter asap. I look forward to hear from you soon.Best regards,MartineT.D.W. Inc. Sales DepartmentTel: 954-746-8701 Ext: 1009Fax: 954-746-2804Toll Free: 1-800-946-8736E-Mail: martine@tdwcloseouts.comWeb: http://www.tdwcloseouts.com/
Old Comments To This Blog
I temporarily removed posts I had in this blog. This also removed the comments that accompanied the posts. I had copied the comments to a file on my computer, but haven't figured out how to reinstall them, or which posts they accompanied. So, to be fair to those who had taken the time to comment, and to keep the words these readers had written, I am putting all here in this post:
· "The Cellar" is a Macy's brandhttp://www.google.com/search?q=Macy%27s+%2B+The+Cellar&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:officialToo bad you found out the hardway that these resellar companies are a rip off. Look up a similar company called Auction Road that went under after bilking many people out of their money by promising something they never delivered.If it seems to good to be true, it probably is. My wife and I made a living off of Ebay for quite some time and the one thing we found out is that companies like the one you found are nothing but a scam. We did all our own bargain hunting and used places like outlet stores to get the best deals.Sorry you git ripped off but I would be highly doubtful you will get any true resolution from this other then the knowledge of what to look for next time.
By Anonymous, at 3:13 PM
· Thanks for the input. One thing I've got is lots of time. I will persevere. Who knows, maybe I will go to Sunrise, Florida, and parade around in a chicken suit, carrying a sign, and ask the media to show up. I had friends who did that at a Cadillac dealer in Los Angeles, and the dealer lost a million dollars worth of business before he gave in, and then they wouldn't settle for what they originally asked for. They got enough to not work for a full year. Who knows?
By anagnostic, at 7:13 PM
· If you ask me you got what you paid for,(even if you overpaid for it). It seems rather fool hearted to buy sight unseen, a random load of stuff. Caviat Emptor (Buyer Beware) is, I hope, a lesson learned here.
By Anonymous, at 3:52 PM
· You're right, it was fool-hardy to trust in these people. So I take this as a no, you wouldn't buy from them. Actually, they have been in business for a long time, and they are a member of the BBB. Either others have had the same experiences, and are quiet about it, or they have had a better experience, and I was discriminated against. Which is it? I just don't choose to suffer in silence. I am only trying to spread the word that these people aren't dealing fairly with me, and maybe not with you.
By anagnostic, at 4:31 PM
· That's absolutely terrible, I feel for you. I think you been scammed. :(
By Number 1, at 8:48 PM
· Thanks for your comment, Number 1. I, too, feel I have been scammed. I hope others will be warned from my experience.
By anagnostic, at 11:33 PM
Anonymous said...
I had the same thing happen to me. I bought clothes. Seemed like a great deal. Spent 1000.00 for 200 pieces that said it had JOLO and other name brands cant think of off the top of my head. Said it would be great for E-bay. It had one JOLO shirt. Most of the stuff was out dated. Or not made well. Where really hard to sell sizes. Everything was a 2 petite or a 3 xl. I lost my business. This for the most part is sitting in my basement and cant give it away for free. Heart broken. My business was building up well. Had built up 1000.00 operating income bought this and now out of buisness because I thought I was buying something other than what i was. They advertise this as something resellable. There was to be something against that. This stuff is not resellable unless you loose all your money doing it then your giving it away.
6:57 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm glad I found this place... My friend/partner and I just had a problem with TDW ourselves. We orders 300 purses advertised as overstock from Macy's/Federated and brand names like Guess, Liz Clairbourne, Nine West ext... What we got instead was 300 purses with the brand name "La Philipe" and "Elcante" We paid $7 a purse with shipping the cost was $8.04 a purse. I found the website and they are a company that makes knock offs of high end brand names like Prada, Gucci, Couch, ext.. Now, I am not sure you you all realize how TDW works. They do not have these items in stock. They basically broker these loads. The shipment is not comming from TDW's warehouse. They list loads that other places are selling, not loads they actually own. The company that actually owns the load sends the product out and TDW payes them and keeps the difference. I hope that explains the BBB's response. They can't know what's in the loads because they are drop shipped.This is recent and I will let you know how things proceed. I will attempt to contact the BBB and see if we get the same response. Contact me if you like ab4276@charter.net
3:05 AM
Kate Ford said...
I'll link to you on my blog too and I most certainly won't buy from them. Operations like that won't stop until people stand up and let them know that we ARE waching and won't sit back while they lie and steal from us.
9:47 PM
archphoto said...
Thanks for your support.
10:58 PM
Lisa said...
Glad to see someone else is taking a stand against TDW.Here is my post to ripoffreport.comI searched the internet for closeout and overstock merchandise. After a few weeks, I decided to go with TDW. I called them several times after finding they were in my home state, I figured shipping would be less. Boy was I wrong. I bought a mixed lost of Federated/Macy's Domestics. I was told this was a pallet 6 x 6 x 6 of upscale high end department store items.I wired them money and waited until the shipping company called to deliver. When the truck got here, we opened the box, and the box was not even 1/2 full! Some of the stuff out of there was thrown away and most had to be patched, washed or fixed up to sell.After 2 weeks of working on it, I put it on Ebay and sold quite a bit.My gripe is that I was told I would be getting a FULL pallet of stuff, which I did not. They rip you off on shipping. I never checked from CA, but shipping for 3 pallets from there would only be $474.I paid $795.00 for one pallet and $257.89/shipping. Their warehouse is maybe 3 hours from me.I know they do not guarantee what is in the lots/pallets, but when you buy a pallet you should get a full pallet, and shipping was outrageous.I recently found a GREAT company to buy from. I paid $100 for a lot that had 20 more items in it and only paid $35 yes $35 for shipping from the SAME area as TDW.If you are looking for items to sell, contact me and I'll give you the info on the new company. Beware if you are getting into this business - it takes tons of work and elbow grease for a little bit of items and money to pay off with these types of items.
4:46 PM
They Still Haven’t Budged!
An update as of 2/20/06: To date, they still haven't budged. This blog now comes up on the first page of almost all major search engines when someone searches for The Discount Warehouse! At least those individuals who research TDW before plunking down those hard-earned bucks will get a chance to see how they will be treated. TDW will never know how much money they have lost because of this blog.
Contact Has Been Made!
I have made contact with 2 others who believe they have been ripped off by TDW. One of them is in my home state of Washington. I found them on ripoffreport.com, or rather, one of them found me. Maybe if we can get enough victims together, we can get a class-action lawsuit started against TDW. Wouldn't that be sweet?
Still No Help from the BBB as of 6/2/05!
It is June already, and there is still no help from the BBB. I did get this email a little while back:
We have carefully reviewed the most recent information you sent regarding your complaint. Due to the nature and circumstances of the dispute we are unable to be of further assistance.
The Better Business Bureau relies on the voluntary cooperation of businesses to act responsibly and make adjustments in the interest of fairness and good customer service.
You may wish to contact the following agency for further assistance with your complaint:
Division of Consumer Services:850-922-2966.Discount Warehouse has no control over what is in the shipment.Therefore we cannot hold them responsible for the type of items that were in the palets.
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to try and help you. Your experience has become a matter of record in our files.
Cheri Stillman
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Did you see the underlined and bolded passage above? How in hell can the BBB say that The Discount Warehouse, Inc. has no control over what is in the shipment when I ordered 300 pieces and got 300 pieces? Someone had to count them to put them in the shipment. Who did that? God? The Devil? Fate? I didn't do it. So who did, if it wasn't good ol' TDW Closeouts, huh? If they counted them, they knew and had control over what was in the shipment. What good is it for the customers if TDW is a member of the BBB if the BBB doesn't go to bat for the consumer? And just because they are members of the BBB, they are not bound to follow any rules, anyway. Fooey!
Not Expecting Any Help From The BBB!
I actually did not expect any help on this from the BBB. It seems that TDW is operating within the law. Maybe we need to change the laws to protect the public from predatory business practices.
My Revelation – Well Duh!
This is an email sent to the Southeast Florida BBB on 4/18/05, in response to an email received from them on the same day. It references that The Discount Warehouse, Inc. made me an offer of $300.00 off my next order to compensate me. (Why would they do that? Guilt?) They said they usually don't compensate anyone. Makes you think, doesn't it? See the bold and underlined part below, for my revelation on how I feel I was really defrauded.
To the BBB....
As ludicrous as it sounds, the management at The Discount Warehouse, Inc. thinks that I would again do business with them. I feel I was taken advantage of on this purchase. I was sent 175 individual towels and wash cloths (out of 300 items), of which almost all do not match any other towels, or wash cloths, in the shipment. Each wash cloth was counted as a single item. I was charged $5.95 for each towel or washcloth, plus shipping, which brought the item up to almost $8.00 for each. I can go to Macy's and buy them retail, for less. I told Martine that I wanted to sell these items on eBay, and she said they'd be perfect for eBay. They are not. If you add shipping, which, in most cases is more than I can sell the item for on eBay, they are not perfect for eBay sales. I wouldn't have minded all this so much, but these items are supposed to be high-end items, including Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY, Liz At Home, Ralph Lauren, etc. In 300 pieces, there was not one Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY, or Liz At Home, in the whole bunch.
I cannot believe they don't control what's in the containers before they send them out, as they indicated to me on the phone. What if the container had electronics? I'm sure they look to see what's in there, before sending it out. How do they know I got 300 pieces, if they did not count and sort them? That means handling them! Someone could say, "Gee, we could at least throw in a few Tommys, or a few Lizzes." Or, "This guy sure got a lot of wash cloths in this order, we should send him more of a mixture." I would think they get away with this when someone buys a pallet, but I won't let them get away with it, because I feel they cherry-picked my load, as I got 300 items, and paid for 300 items. There is no way to count them by machine. Some person has to do this. Maybe the better items were given to a better, long-term customer. They told me each time I talked to them that they don't cherry-pick the loads. I think that is fraudulent.
Have someone in your office call them and ask if they can order the pieces they want, and I'll bet they tell you they can't. Ask them how they know you are getting 300 items without handling the items. See if they are stuck for an answer.
I feel The Discount Warehouse, Inc. hides behind an agreement which could give them a license to steal, and that each state should make a law against such sales practices. I didn't buy this stuff at a blind auction, sight unseen. I bought this from people who manipulated the load, knowing I would take a loss selling this stuff.
I will settle for no less than a $1,200.00 refund (no credits). At that, I still would be taking a loss, but I could live with that.
Thank you.
Is There Anybody Out There With Experience?
Is there anyone out there with an experience with TDW, either good, or bad? I can't be alone, or a member of a small group, dealing with a company that has been around for as long as they purportedly have been.
Even if somebody thinks I was fool-hardy, and says so, that enforces the idea to
TDW that there is someone else who wouldn't buy from them. I was only trying to be positive about human nature. I guess I was wrong, it is better to be cynical.
In My Opinion, Everybody Should Be Cynical When It Comes To TDW Closeouts!
Let TDW know you wouldn't buy from them!
If you believe I, and the linked individuals over on the right side have been shafted, and that you wouldn't buy from TDW, leave a comment. I send TDW emails from time to time, linking to this blog. Let them know their business practices won't be tolerated. Think of it as striking a blow for what is right. Thanks. It will be appreciated.
Update 4/7/05 - The Better Business Bureau of South Eastern Florida has put this in the file of TDW on their website, after I filed my complaint:
"Additional File Information
Customers are required to sign a Terms and Agreements before the shipment is sent out, which states all merchandise is Salvage/Store returns and sold AS IS with no warranties, or guarantees of any kind expressed or implied. All Merchandise is salvage store returns, or other similar second-hand merchandise, with no refunds, returns, credits or exchanges offered or given. The company has no control on what is in each pallet. Each pallet may contain a mixture of some new, good, bad, unpacked, items with missing parts, and damaged merchandise. The Department Stores, and The Discount Warehouse, Inc., will not be held liable for any dissatisfaction with respect to the sale or quality of Merchandise."
Well, I wasn't very bright for signing such an agreement. I was too trusting. This is a license to steal, and I thought I would be dealt with honorably. I was wrong. To those of you who want to buy from this company, learn from my mistake. Stay away in droves. I personally feel that they are not telling the truth that they have no control of what is in the shipments. Whose control is it in then? God's? It surely wasn't in mine. It is now, seeing as I can do anything with it I want, with the exception of making a profit, or possibly breaking even.
Of course they have control. I would imagine that they don't do this to those who have bought truckload after truckload of merchandise from them.
Would you not look into the box to make sure that there wasn't something other than textiles in there, before shipping it out? What if it was a mismarked box of electronics? TDW would want to make sure that they aren't sending me $10,000 worth of electronics instead of $2,400.00 worth of textiles. So, they do have control!
It looks like I will get no satisfaction from BBB.
An Update as of 4/5/05!
Dear Martine -
Thank you for the reply (below).
The offer of a $300.00 credit on future merchandise is unacceptable. It does nothing to cure the current situation, and I am reminded of it by a room full of towels, everyday. I have already made a complaint to your local BBB, of which you may be aware. I have started a blog at http://tdw-thediscountwarehouse.blogspot.com/ to find others who may have similar experiences and to let people know what I know. Next time someone types in TDW, or The Discount Warehouse, they may find my blog, as well. After all, I am entitled to my opinion. I am also sure that some potential customers of yours would like to know that TDW dealt fairly with a client, or if they didn't. Every message we exchange will be placed on this blog until this is dealt with fairly (including this one). I have lots of time on my hands, not a lot of money. I've already lost my money, now I will have to spend some time with it, to know I have done all I can to remedy this situation.
I was trusting, but not very smart when I signed a contract that really gives TDW the right to send me anything they want for the money I paid, and I legally don't have a leg to stand on. The Internet gives me the opportunity to be heard, and doing what is right could be better for TDW, than what they legally can get away with. Bad news travels fast. I will probably be writing the eBay forums to shed some light on this, soon. Maybe I can save some others from the same mistake I made. I feel I should also write to TDW's competitors so they can watch what is happening, and avoid these problems.
I am contemplating writing the proper authorities in Florida, my state of Washington,and other states, as the public may need laws that make salvage contracts like the one I signed, illegal.
I may have time to turn this in to some news agency, as well. The more people know about this, the better.
Any offer less than I initially requested is simply unacceptable. I don't want credits, I need a valid company or cashier's check for the requested amount of $1,200.00. Contact me whenever you wish to rectify this matter to my satisfaction. It would be so simple for TDW to rectify this matter, quickly.
At 01:19 PM 4/5/2005, you wrote:
Good afternoon Gary,
In regards to the Federated Mixed Domestics you recently purchased through the Discount Warehouse. After speaking with the facility, my supervisor has decided to honor $300 credit for future purchases to compensate from the above mentioned load. Please accept this letter as an agreement towards credit for any inconvenience you may of had with your load. We hope we have settled this matter fairly and look forward in continued business relations.
Martine/Sales Dept.
The Discount Warehouse
PH: 954-746-8701
Open email sent to TDW, The Discount Warehouse
I am just a guy who wanted to buy high-end domestics in bulk, and sell them on eBay for a profit. That's not going to happen. I don't feel I got what I paid for. See the open email I sent to the salesperson below.
Re: invoice # 11257
Hi Martine -
It has been several weeks since I made and received my order with TDW for "High-End Domestics." When I received my order, I was impressed with the professionalism and attention to detail exhibited from you and everyone involved in the shipment of my items. My high regard was quickly changed when I finally opened my package. Now, you and I know what I signed in your agreement, so that is not even part of this email. This has to do with ethics. I feel I did not receive the products I was paying for. This is a quote from the sales document sent to me for which I paid $5.95 per item + shipping (which brought the total to $2,381.75, or around $8.00 per item!):
"Federated/Macy?s Domestics/Linens: All New shelf-pulls and overstock Domestics. Huge selection of high - end brand names: Burlington, Court of Versailles, Calvin Klein, Charter Club, Tommy Hilfiger, Fieldcrest, Sheridan, DuPont, Signature, Luxury Linens, Liz at Home, Ralph Lauren, Cannon Royal Family, DKNY and more. Pallets may contain a mixture of Sheets, Towels, Comforters, Linens, Bathroom Accessories, Rugs, bed in a bag, Pillows and much more. Please call for inventory availability. F.O.B. Florida. Order now. ON SALE NOW!"
Here's what I really got: 33, new-in-package, mostly Charter Club bedding, several shower curtains, and even shower curtain hooks, 175 towels, most of them individual, unmatched towels, and 27 pillows, along with Votive Candles, Potpourri, a waste basket, a terry cloth robe, and a toilet paper holder stand.
There was no Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY, Liz at Home, of any type, just to name a few high-end designer brands that were missing.
Besides that, my biggest problem is the number of towels, and some that no one seems to have heard of. I got a large bunch of "Inside/Out Towels by the Cellar. You can't even find these on Google, which means that buyers don't know these are supposed to be high-end! Or are they? Another thing is that I wound up paying what amounts to $8.00 per towel, considering that Macy's is selling towels for less than that, retail, on sale, and I have to charge shipping (they don't). I can't make a profit or run a business like this, so it looks like I take a loss. I sure can't sell this stuff even on eBay, where someone has to pay shipping to receive it. I may have a problem giving it away, if I make the buyer pay the shipping. I am including images of the bedding and of the towels and pillows to give an idea of what the ratio looks like.
Now, I am for everyone making a profit. But the profit on this seems to stop with you at TDW. And yes, my legal remedies may be thin at the moment, but this being the US of A, I still have the good ol' First Amendment to say what I think.
That $2,400 I spent may be just a drop in the bucket to TDW, but it represents a lot of sweat and tears on my end. I feel that the best I could expect for all these towels on eBay would be $1.00 each plus shipping. I also feel that I could put this episode behind me if I was to receive a refund check for $1,200.00 (half of what it cost me with shipping). On the other hand, I can make this my life's work to get this rectified. If I do not hear from you within one week, I will be starting a blog with TDW and my situation at the center of it, looking for others who have similar stories. I will make this letter public, send it to your competitors, and have a conversation with the BBB in your area. I don't feel that I received what I paid for, and I hope that you, and your superiors, see it my way, and avoid any need to take this further.
The limited amount of bedding I received!
The amount of towels and other things I received!
Martine emailed back to me about a week after I sent the email above, and also called her. She wrote:
"Good afternoon Gary,
This is to confirm that I have received your message this morning which I've already bring to my supervisor' s attention, however it will takes a few days to come up with a solution since the merchandise were shipped out exactly the way they came in. The pictures are greatly appreciated, as soon as I hear from my supervisor I will let you know. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me with any further questions or comments.
Best regards,
Martine/Sales Dept.
The Discount Warehouse
PH: 954-746-8701"
I haven't heard from them since, and I have written them again!